Colorado on Kodak Portra 800

Five days — that’s all I had to try to capture 36 incredible shots between Palisade and Denver, CO. If you’re not familiar with Colorado, that’s a pretty dramatic topography to cover in five days!


My wife and I were traveling to Palisade for a wedding, then spending the remainder of the week in Keystone, before flying out of Denver. This seemed like a perfect excuse to burn through the roll of Kodak Porta 800 35mm (120) film that had simply been in my fridge too long. So my goal? 36, incredible landscape photos to test the flexibility of Portra 800.. what do you think?

A-Basin Ski Area / Loveland Pass — Kodak Portra 800, 55mm


Kodak Portra 800 Images


A New Lesson in Film: Scanning.

Although I don’t develop or scan my own images, I’ve recently started to experiment with different scanning services. Scanning is a bit tricky because it creates the digital negative you get to work with for any editing. A more ‘complete’ scan will provide healthy contrast and require less overall editing, however, it might clip some of the dynamic range of your images. Images can also be scanned with a very flat contrast — similar to a ‘LOG’ profile in video — where the aim of the scan is to capture all of the dynamic range, and leave the editing to the customer. This is my preference.

These images were scanned at Gelatin Labs with a request for this ‘flat’ profile, then delivered to me as 16-bit TIFF files. Giving me all the flexibility to edit!


Don’t Forget to Grab Free Presets!

If you wan’t your own film look on digital, don’t forget to grab the free presets:


My Favorite Place that You’ve Never Heard of… Vedauwoo, WY